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Safety & Etiquette

Click below for a series of training briefs put together by our Director of Safety and Training


The State of New Jersey also has it's own rules and regulations on their website. If you're not familiar with them, you can learn more here


Group Ride Information and Etiquette

All of our rides are announced on the All On Cycling Club of New Jersey Official Club Rides Facebook group. This is the group that is just for ride announcements and not the social Facebook group, which is just for fun. The Official Club Rides group is only open to paid members and an invitation will be sent when you join.

Routes will be posted on Facebook 24 to 48 hours before the scheduled ride. Become familiar with the route, download to a GPS device if possible, or carry a route cue sheet in case you get separated from the group.


Ride leaders will post any cancellations on Facebook. Always check for last minute updates before you leave to join a ride.


If you see a ride you want to join, please comment. Sometimes ride leaders cancel rides because no one says they are coming.


Arrive 15 minutes before the start time. Rides leave on time.


Please let the ride leader know if you are leaving the group mid-ride so they don’t go back and look for you when you don’t show up at the next stop!


Routes & Ride Levels

All groups have different ride levels, so become familiar with ours and ride at a level equal to your ability. If you’re uncertain, choose an easier level than you think you need for your first ride.


No-drop rides may regroup several times during the ride. The leader will make the group aware of meeting points during the ride.


A drop ride means if you can’t keep up, you will be left behind. Most of our rides are no-drop, but we do have some that are drop. On a drop ride it is possible to be left solo so know the route or the way back to the start point.


Be courteous to motor vehicle traffic, pedestrians, and other cyclists and set a good example on the road. Wave and smile, you’re on a bike ride!


General Bike Safety

All riders must wear a helmet to ride with the All On Cycling Club.


Check the condition of your bike (especially the tires) before the start of each ride.


Carry a cell phone, ID, medical insurance card, a small amount of cash, and a flat kit. If you don’t know how to change a flat other riders can help, but we suggest attending one of our flat change clinics to learn this important skill.


Bring water and food. Longer rides may stop for supplies, but don’t count on that.


Ride as far to the right as is safe and practical.


Use hand signals to let cars around you know what you’re doing.


Group Ride Safety

Every summer we hold a twice a month Introduction to Group Riding class. Anyone is welcome, no matter your level. If you’re new to group riding please try and attend at least one of these classes, but until then, here are some tips.


Never ride more than two abreast, and ride single file when motor vehicles are present. (Always ride single file in Chatham. It is the law in that town.)


Do not use aero bars or headphones on group rides.


Be predictable. Hold a steady line as you ride and signal any changes in your line or speed to others in the group. Use arm signals and loud, vocal announcements to indicate turning or stopping. Hand signals are good to let cars know what you are doing.


Stop at red lights and do not advance until it turns green. Stay to the right side of the road during a stop and don’t block motor vehicles behind. Make a full stop at all stop signs too.


Signal and announce hazards. Do not suddenly swerve around hazards if you can help it, as this creates unpredictable reactions behind you.


Call out “Car back” when there are vehicles coming from behind.


Do not overlap wheels with other cyclists.


Never ride on the wrong side of the yellow line.


Please inform the ride leader of crashes or injuries. Step off the bike for an assessment of yourself and your equipment. Stay to the side of the road during this assessment.


If you’re able to get back on the bike after a crash, first confirm the working order of your shifters and brakes.

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